We provide IT service that supports your core business, without long-term commitments or the headache of recruiting, training and retaining full time staff.
IT Solutions

Dedicated IT Staff
Unlike many other IT Service providers who provide a different person each time you call, we operate with dedicated primary and backup staff members assigned to each client. Our staff is hired and trained locally, and when you work with us, you speak with a person you know -- not a call center miles away or on the other side of the world. Whether we outsource the IT function at your company, or we are working with you on just one project, you will know and trust our staff.

Local Management
Located in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1997, we have served hundreds of biotech startups as well as many other small to medium businesses. We have also worked as technical consultants to national retailers, global pharmaceutical companies, and large corporate law firms. Our senior management regularly provides in-person time-sensitive advice to the CFO's, CIO's and IT steering committees at our clients. We are in touch with the concerns of San Francisco Bay Area businesses, because we are one.

Design Focused
Our approach to IT is to create simple, stable environments that have low administrative overhead. Solving major technical problems through design allows us to focus on customer service and communication in our day-to-day interactions. Would you rather have an IT person you can talk to about anything, or one that is always occupied in the server room?